Friday, January 23, 2009


I just finished watching a series that was very informative and thought provoking. Chris Martenson, a trained scientist, having both a PhD from Duke University, as well as a MBA from Cornell in Finance, developed an educational series regarding the realities our world will face in the next 20 years. He focuses on three arenas- the economy, energy, and the environment, that are converging into a "perfect storm" of huge consequences. His training and expertise make him uniquely qualified. This is a MUST WATCH series. It will take you about 3.5 hours to complete in total. It is broken out into 20 individual segements, giving you the flexibility to watch as your time permits. He takes no political side, and his lectures on the environment are not about global warming. Our way of living is changing... rapidly... and we ALL need to prepare for these changes.
Go to or google "the crash course."

1 comment:

Patti's Chat said...

I look forward to learning from Chris Martenson! Thanks for taking the time to share something so helpful!